Toy Review: SCUD Variant – SOL

Out this week, the 6-7 inch Indie Spot Light series from Shocker Toys, featuring some indie  favorites from the 1990’s including The Maxx, ShadowHawk, SCUD, Kabuki and Katchoo.

We are privileged enough to have received the lovely SOL figure for review, which right off the bat looks like is stepped straight off the pages of SCUD: The Disposable Assassin.img_0934

As any fan would attest, the key to any SCUD action figure aside from the beautifully accurate sculpt seen here, is articulation and pose-ability, which this figure has in spades.  18 points of articulation to be exact with plenty of ball joints and replaceable hands, with and without guns.


This articulation, while being the figures greatest strength, also poses some small problems.  The figure is a bit flimsy, not low quality, just fragile and you will no doubt repeatedly and inadvertently snap pieces off the frame while striking wild poses.  These pieces will easily snap back on and are only  a small nuisance.

The lankiness of the figure begs for a clear pegged stand to support your cool poses, but instead we get a cringing black Isz, for when the Maxx inhabits the real world. Not a bad trade.img_0937

Retailing for around $15, this is a beautiful figure well worth the asking price for ant serious SCUD fan. Unfortunately I’ve heard that SCUD figure pre-sold out, so you may be forced to dredge the depths of the black market to scratch that itch, but don’t let this heresay information keep you from ordering one.img_0941