Announcing The Big Shiny Store!

We here at Big Shiny Robot! are committed to the artists, writers, and craftspeople that make comics and the geek community great. And we wondered what better way could there be for us to support artists we like than to offer a small corner of our website for them to sell their wares to you.

Each of these artists has provided one item for the store, and we hope that in doing so you’ll go seek out other work from them and help support them in this way.

Some of it is art prints, others are licensed products featuring our mascot, The Big Shiny Robot. Take a look at all of it, check out the artists, and if you like what you see, buy some of it.

The Big Shiny Store! (Or click the link in the masthead)

Featured artists at launch: Derek Hunter (Pirate Club), Elias Pate (He draws all of the Big Shiny Robot!s on the site), Dave Styer (Geekleetist), JJ Harrison (Bampop, and our own “Previously on Lost“), Grimmleighs Fiends (Grimmleighs and Geek Show Podcast), Kylee Lane (Luxury Lane Soap), Ryan Ottley (Invincible), and Kira Chaney (Sneaky Fetus Productions).

We’ll be adding and rotating different artists and items regularly, so be sure to check back often and buy what you want quickly, because there are no guarantees how long it will be in the store. We’ll also be doing regular features on the artists in the store, highlighting their work.

If you would like to submit any of your work for consideration, please feel free to send us an email at