TRAILER: John Carter of Mars

Disney has released a new trailer for John Carter of Mars on their website.

I can’t find it on youtube or Apple yet, but you can watch it on their site here.

It’s a fantastic, much more in depth look at the film and I get more and more excited for it with each thing I see. If you’re interested you can read about my excitement for it in the print piece I wrote for City Weekly.

And for those I’ve heard complain about the movie because the aesthetic is a little bit like Attack of the Clones, let me say first: Attack of the Clones is awesome. Second: It’s okay to like stuff that’s like other stuff. No one will think less of you. In fact, I’ll think less of you if you don’t.

I hope this movie ends up as great as it is in my head right now.

For those of you who have no frame of reference for how great this movie could be, the first three books in the series are .99 cents (combined!) on Amazon for the Kindle. They are worth 10 times that, at least. Buy them here, now.