REVIEW: Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi – Book 2

Omen is the second book in the nine book Fate of the Jedi saga and was released just last week.

This book follows two separate narratives and puts a number of beloved characters through the paces.

The first story involves the growing ranks of Jedi suffering paranoid delusions that cause them to think that everyone around them is an impostor and trying to capture them. Paranoid, lightsaber wielding Jedi and large crowds of civilians are not a healthy mix and the reigning government on Coruscant, led by Chief of State Natasi Daala, is growing more and more wary of Jedi involvement in any capacity in the galaxy. What’s worse is that this malady seems to be affecting the Horn family the most, placing Corran in quite an irritable mood. Leia and Jaina Solo take charge of the situation on that front, but that situation looks increasingly grim by the end of the book.

The second story involves Luke and Ben Skywalkers continuing adventures, gallivanting about the galaxy in exile from their home, hoping to track down the specific cause of Jacen Solo’s descent to the dark side. They find themselves in the Kathol Rift, learning a deep and terrible secret. Not about Jacen, but the galaxy.

And I lied, there’s a third story. You see, the Sith are once more rising to rule the galaxy. Taking the lead of the Sith meditation sphere Ben found in the Legacy of the Force series, they are poised to come out of the strength of their hiding place and once more venture into the galaxy, hoping to bend it to their dark agenda.

This is the first Star Wars book for author Christie Golden and she fits into the universe quite well. She writes the characters with the same level of comfort I’ve seen in the last 10 Star Wars novels I’ve read in the last few months and is quite at home.

My only qualm with this series of books, so far, is that it’s just gearing up and not much seems to be happening. I imagine it will end with quite the epic battle between the Jedi and the Sith and Luke will come up with a final break-through in unraveling the mystery of Jacen’s descent into the dark side. And a major character will probably die (perhaps Luke?). But at this point, it just seems slow. The Legacy of the Force series started off with a bang and didn’t let up, it felt like a Star Wars movie. These books, so far, are much more calm.

I’m excited to see where things are headed, so any lingering feelings of boredom are outweighed by my excitement of what might be to come.

So, if you’re in for the series, this is pretty much a must read.

Me? Yeah, I’m in for the series. And I can’t wait to get my hands on the next one.

To buy Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Omen on Amazon, click the link.

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