New Kurt Vonnegut!

It’s always good news to find out that there is new material from Kurt Vonnegut to be read and today Rosetta Books released a 20,000 word novella entitled “Basic Training” from the author.

It was written in the 1940s while Vonnegut was still working at General Electric and he was trying to make it as a writer. This predates his first novel, Player Piano, by quite a bit.

His family has acknowledged that the novella is autobiographical and he tried selling it to magazines in his day.

You can pick it up for the Kindle for $1.99.

I’ll be sure to let you guys know what I thought when I’m done reading it.

If you’re a Vonnegut fan, you might be interested in the book of stories and essays I put together and published. Each essay and story was inspired by or about Vonnegut.

It’s called God Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut and you can catch it for The Kindle or the Nook.

I’d like to hear from you guys, though. What’s your favorite Vonnegut novel? Have you ever even read a Vonnegut novel?