So, two of us robots have launched a Kickstarter campaign for a book. I’ve written it, and Bizarrobot herself, Erin Kubinek, drew it. I’d appreciate deeply your support for this project. The manuscript is done and most of the illustrations are as well. This is really just a preorder campaign. The book documents the attempted assassinations of Presidents as well as those who were actually killed in a way that’s interesting and engaging to kids and adults. And the illustrations just put it over the top. It’s a labor of love I put together for my daughter, and I think most geek kids and adults would really dig it. Consider ordering a copy. And there are tons of cool addons and extra bits to make it doubly worth your while. And you can get a copy of the completed eBook version for as little as $5. Check it out: A Children’s Illustrated History of Presidential Assassination on Kickstarter.