The Robotech Movie May Have a Kickass Writer…


I haven’t been outed on the Robotech front yet, but I’m a giant Robotech nerd.

It’s true. When Robotech: Shadow Chronicles came out, I was there to see it, even though it meant an hour long drive to a theatre in the middle of bloody nowhere. (Not a smart distribution strategy, guys.) I own all the episodes and bust them out to watch every now and again (at least the first generation, which is the best) and I enjoy the hell out of it.

In fact, I think most people would enjoy the story, it’s a complex military soap opera with an underlying political story that really hits you right between the eyes. In fact, some of my favorite moments ever committed to celluloid are in this series… (Remember the episode, “Farewell, Big Brother?” That was dynamite.)

But when I heard that Tobey Maguire and his company acquired the rights to make the movie, I was secretly pissed because that meant that I’d never get a crack at adapting the adventures of the crew of the SDF-1…

But when I read who it seems as though they’re picking, not only could I not complain, I had to admire the shit out of the choice.

That choice?

Lawrence Kasdan.

That’s THE Lawrence Kasdan. The mastermind behind some of the best screenplays ever filmed in nerddom… Raiders of the Lost Ark… The Empire Strikes Back… Return of the Jedi…. Silverado (fuck you guys, westerns count as nerd movies)…

But seriously, Kasdan wrote this scene:

That pretty much assures the man’s place in whatever after-life he might believe in.