‘Sailor Moon Crystal’ Premiering on ‘Crunchyroll’

With all of the hype for the upcoming reboot of the “Sailor Moon” Anime series “Sailor Moon Crystal” one must wonder where it will premiering outside of Japan.

Looks like today we got our answer, Crunchyroll will be doing the first of the simulcasts on July 5 starting at 3:00am.


Announced during this weekend’s Fanime panel, Crunchyroll’s latest addition is none other than the upcoming Sailor Moon Crystal anime. The series is set to kick off on Saturday, July 5 at 3:00am PT.

More information to come regarding available territories, along with an official page for the series. For now, get pumped for some new Sailor Moon!

Bit of a surprise seeing “Crunchyroll” getting first dibs for the premiere after “Viz Media” announced that they have the license at “Anime Central” on the 16th. I would have assumed that we’d be seeing “Sailor Moon Crystal” on the now revamped “Neon Alley”. I’ll take a shot in the dark and say I’ll be receiving a press release with details about this decision in the coming weeks.


Source – Crunchyroll to Stream “Sailor Moon Crystal” Anime