The announcement that my favorite game series, Guilty Gear is getting a new game after a five year wait came a little bit before I joined the site. My reaction was more or less as follows.. I also seem to remember declaring something about the existence of God. Out dated memes aside, Guilty Gear X2 is my favorite game of all time, and is probably one of the things that sparked my passion for Anime in the first place. The Extended Play review from Adam Sessler on Tech TV back in about 2003 is the thing that made me what to be a reviewer in the first place. I can still remember the corn ball line he used after describing the instant kill moves “Never fails to impress” Even the first Anime Convention I went to I co-played as one of the characters, Johnny and had dinner at the Burger King next door to the hotel were my lesbian friend and I hit on some very cute Sailor Mars and Advent Children Tifa co-players. Life is fun sometimes… So with the Fanboy ramblings out of the way lets take a look at the new character redesign put out today. Potemkin – Yes, that is Potemkin under all of that Castle Crashers looking armor. Doesn’t make him any less dangerous, Fear the Potemkin-buster kids!
May – oh May your redesign make you look younger, and now Johnny seem more like a pedophile..
Venom – Billiards sticks, shockingly good for assassinations turns out.
Chipp – And the all American Ninja Chipp Zanuff, returns to triple jump his way back into our harts. Shawn Cogswell is the Anime journalist for Big Shiny Robot! You can find him on twitter @Gaxbot