ANIME UPDATE: 9/23/2012 – Naruto, Macross and more!

This week on Anime Update: Naruto, the 30th Anniversary of Macross, and two of my recent Anime Music Video finds.

First up: Tokyo Game Show hasn’t had too many big announcements this year, but anime fans will be psyched to see the following Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 trailer that premiered yesterday.

I’ve always liked how the Ultimate Ninja Storm series puts a nice spin on the fighting genre, and I think the graphic choices made by the developers are great because they really flesh out the cell-shaded style from the anime series. Bandai Namco games will be bringing the title over to the States (estimated release for Spring 2013) – again for both PS3 and Xbox 360.

Second this week: (Via ANN) Can you believe we’re already coming up on the 30th Anniversary of Macross? Well, next month a new Macross film – Macross FB7: Ore no Uta no Kike! will be released in Japanese theaters. Set in 2059, the story follows the 25th New Macross class long-distance fleet as they journey through the galaxy to find a new home. Set nearly five decades after the Space War I conflict (from the first Macross series), they’ve got another war on their hands and you know what that means – Mechs + Space Battle = I’m 100% in for this movie. Give the trailer a watch and keep your fingers crossed that it gets picked up for US distribution:

Lastly: since it’s been so long, I wanted to leave you with two of my recent Anime Music Video finds:

First up is an action-packed, kick-ass video featuring The Legend of Korra (light spoilers) set to “Finale” by Madeon:

Second is a stunning and heartfelt video for The Place Promised in our Early Days (SPOILERS!) set to “He Films the Clouds Pt2” by Maybeshewill: