It is, sadly, the end of festivities at Anime Banzai. Fan-made AMVs, flying hug-tackles, and some of the greatest, and scariest, cosplays this side of the Valley.

Cloud and Zack from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core.
High speed dancing conga lines make the way through main floor of the Sheraton, the always gracious host of the convention. Banzai is an event like no other. As always, there’s no reason anyone slightly nerdy shouldn’t go next year. It’s really an educational experience for people who may have no idea about the culture of anime. Sit in some of the viewing rooms, take in some shows. Or just head into the main floor and mingle with some generally friendly people. A big thanks to the staff and coordinators who made this weekend possible, and I can’t wait to get there next year. For now, let’s get some pictures. (These were taken with a cell… so bear with me.)

The courtyard crowd.

More Final Fantasy cosplayers.