‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ Teaser Poster

Behold! The first poster for Captain America: The Winter Soldier has hit the internet!

While it’s pretty basic stuff, the image of the shield with all of the paint chipped off is pretty cool and could mean a lot of things. Is Cap putting in overtime fighting the world’s villainy? Does the shield perhaps lack the ol’ red, white, and blue to signify something else? Or did he just scrape it off to better match his new blue and white duds for this film? Maybe Cap is just more fashion-forward than any of us thought . . .

Knowing Marvel, I’m sure there is some meaning to this, and if you are familiar with the Winter Soldier story line from the comics I’m sure you have a dozen ideas in your head as to what the significance of this is. With Comic Con just around the corner I’m sure we will be getting some more details about what to expect from this film aside from the numerous set photos we’ve been seeing. Of all the Marvel movies on deck leading up to The Avengers sequel, I think this is the one I am most excited for and I am very optimistic that we will see a great film adaptation of this titular story line.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier hits theaters on April 4, 2014.

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