Well here we have it folks, the biggest premiere of the Anime season! Here’s what Miss Mecha and I think… spoilers, we’re both hardcore Shinichirō Watanabe fans.


Miss Mecha Zero – I am REALLY excited. It looks like Space Dandy is about to break into multiple dimension and time/space theory. Thankfully, the show is a full-on satire with lots of fun references to other sci fi universes (such as a monkey general and ship that clearly alludes to Planet of the Apes and a referenced alien that is definitely from the side of a Galaga cabinet!).

Admittedly, I didn’t find a whole lot of humor around the ‘Hooters-like’ themed restaurant, but at least they had the sense to mock the concept and fan service in general. Once they had added “Meow” and set off in search of aliens, though, I was sold. The show kicked into high gear and I didn’t want the episode to end! Ok, so maybe I’m a little too excited considering it’s just the first episode, but given that most anime start on an introduction-heavy rant I’m glad to see this didn’t follow the formula.


Gaxbot – I loved the episode! Back when the first trailer hit I posted about how they made an Anime just for me and that seems to still be true. And let’s not forget I’m an asshole critic who’s impossible to please.

The first thing that stands out to me other than the top quality TV animation is how tight the timing on the humor is. Your mileage may vary but environment driven jokes, fourth wall breaking and overconfident dumb people always get a laugh out of me. Most of the jokes for the episode revolve around title character himself Dandy, who’s a first class moron that thinks he’s hot stuff but lacks any skill or brain power to get the job done. I like to think of him as a drunken nineteen year old in a Spike Spiegel cosplay at an Anime convention trying to impress all the lady’s, I assure you both are fun to watch. Can’t wait to see what next week brings.


There you have it kids, stay dandy!