HUVr Tech Promises Real Working Hover Boards

A video is making its way across the internet today purporting to showcase a real life hover board. There’s no reason that this type of technology should be impossible but it seems perpetually out of reach. Could this finally be the moment we break through, is this finally the moment that ridiculously magical contraptions become reality? First power laces, and now this?  

Probably not. I’ll admit that for a brief moment, I allowed myself to believe that this was real. HUVr Tech claims to have begun as a summer project for a group of MIT Physics students and has a panel of celebrity endorsements including Tony Hawk and Doc Brown himself, Christopher Lloyd. They promise to open pre-orders soon and deliver product by the end of the year, there’s no overt indication of satire. 

I’m no video expert, and I don’t have the credentials to disprove a hoax officially, but my BS detector is going off, and it makes me sad. At least the power laces are real.

I’m almost mad at the people who made this video, while it was fun to watch, you raised my hopes. You offered me Excalibur, you offered me Valhalla, you offered me the most delicious looking fluorescent pink carrot that defies the laws of physics and told me I could ride it. Then it got taken away. Like a dog given the promise of the park, only to find themselves in the lobby at the vet.

No simple ear scratch or belly rub will sate my ire.  I demand justice. I demand retribution. I demand a god damned hover board. I won’t be happy until I get it. In the mean time, I invite you all to watch the video, share my rage, demand to hover, join the cause. 


The fantasy, however thin, only took a day to burst completely. Lauren Biedenharn updated her online resume’ with an assistant wardrobe credit for the video, naming Funny or Die as the creator and culprit of the biggest let down 2014 has yet seen. The credit has since been removed from her resume’ but there is a screen shot below. 

We are like children promised a trip to Disneyland only to have the tickets stolen… the thief has a name, that name is Funny or Die. From Hell’s heart I stab at thee.