Dragon Con and Post-con Depression

This time every year, once August slips into September and the shadows and light begin to shift, heralding the approach of autumn, many of us realize we suffer from the same affliction: Post-con Depression.

Labor Day unofficially marks the end of summer and officially marks the end of Dragon Con, and this is when Post-con Depression (PCD) rears its ugly head.

But what is it exactly? After days of little to no sleep, unhealthy food, binge drinking, screaming over the sound of deafening music, and constant stimulation, it’s a type of crash that happens as your mind and body reestablish a connection to the ordinary world. Is it listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders? Not that I can tell, but that doesn’t mean we don’t experience it any less.

And Dragon Con is a special kind of convention, that, like Disney parks, completely immerses you in a world of fantasy. Held in hotels rather than convention centers, there are no designated times for opening and closing. No one has to go home at the end of the day—they can just go to another event, another hotel. The party is nonstop, the fun never-ending. Each time you turn a corner, you may be face to face with a cosplay of your favorite character or a friend you only see each year at Dragon Con.

For introverts like myself, the crash can be particularly jarring, as energy dips are a natural response to being around people. And at Dragon Con, there are so many people!

So what can we do to mitigate the crush of PCD? Here are some things that I’ve found helpful:

Sleep. Seriously. Just sleep and rest and hydrate. Take vitamins as needed.

Start planning for Halloween! Whether it be a new costume, tweaks to a current costume, or just decorating, Halloween is just around the corner!

Use the inspiration. I always get a creative boost after Dragon Con, ready to tackle writing new stories after seeing author panels and seeing what others have accomplished. Some may be inspired by all the amazing cosplay or art displayed in the Art Show. Or even the plethora of handmade items in the vendor booths.

Indulge in your favorite fandoms. Fall is a great time for movie releases and new TV shows. Currently, many are watching House of the Dragon and The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Disney+ will begin streaming Andor soon, and Cobra Kai: Season Five is now available on Netflix.

Plan for next year!

If you found walking hard on your legs (as I did) start working more walking into your schedule. I say this every year, and I even tried a Conqueror’s Challenge and Disney Virtual Runs but still didn’t make walking a habit.

Start costuming now! If you don’t know how to sew, YouTube offers plenty of videos—a friend of mine taught herself to sew this way and had a costume ready for the next Dragon Con.

Be sure if you have a Legacy hotel room that your credit card is on file and you know that particular hotel’s policies. Rooms open up periodically, and a helpful page is Dragon Con Rooms Page.

Relive your favorite moments.

This year, The Cult of the Hilton Flood page was started, with memes aplenty about the flooded floors on the eighth floor of the Hilton.

And don’t forget about The Cult of Jon or the Cult of the Marriott Carpet.

PCD is real, so check on your friends! And be sure to check https://www.dragoncon.org/ for the current countdown to next Dragon Con (356 days away!) and for updates on guests, etc. throughout the year.

Bumblebee Transformer and dog at Dragon Con