Marvel’s ‘Jessica Jones’ Trailer

Grabs copy of “Alias” omnibus from bookshelf Seriously, if you aren’t excited for “Jessica Jones” by now then you are living your life incorrectly. Shoves book in your face It’s in less than a month! Reports from people who saw the pilot at New York Comic Con say it’s darker than “Daredevil” and, dare I say, sexier? Slams book on table I’m praying Netflix releases it early. I think this is the excited feeling people have when they camp out at Best Buy for Black Friday. I’ll go sit in a dimly lit room alternating “Thousand Eyes” by of Monsters and Men and “Hello” by Adele while I read my copy of “Alias” again. Only one of these songs has a direct relation to this trailer, the other was also released today. It’s been a very exciting day.