A DC MMORPG? Why it could rock. (and may suck)

Warner Bros studios (along with Sony Online Entertainment) has just announced plans for an MMORPG set in the DC universe and, obviously, as mechanical beings of pure logic, we had to resist the urge to leak fluids of nerd-bot excitement (except Swank-Mo-Tron… he’s still getting cleaned).  So, what could make this game incredible, and what could they do wrong to piss off a lot of comic book readers everywhere?

The good:

One, this is not a Batman MMO, or Superman. It’s DC. Conceivably, you could fight thugs during the day in Metropolis, and finish off your night pounding faces in Gotham City.

Two, it’s been done right before. City of Heroes, and the award-winning follow-up City of Villains boasted robust character customization, straight-forward combat, and best of all, no worrying about having the best loot. (Powers are enhanced using “Origins” and are not hard to find in questing.) Hopefully, SOE will take a page from their book.

And finally, the benefit of ogling Wonder Woman any time you want is almost too hard to resist.

The bad:


Apparently, you aren’t Batman. You’re those moronic looking henchmen pictured on the right. So, if it’s what it looks like, the big heroes will be your boss, and you’ll be running the errands.

While that sucks, I don’t even want to think about if they do let you be the big guys. Can you imagine Metropolis with five-thousand Supermans flying around? Not to mention, with DC already backing this, they won’t have to worry about copyright issues like CoH had to deal with. So, we could have one real Black Lightning, and a whole bunch of slightly different ones moving about.

Even in a city riddled with crime, would anyone really want to subject it to forty lookalikes of the Creeper?

But with all these doubts, this still makes it seem worth the wait:


So, while it seems as though DC is screwing the pooch on their comics, they’ve got the MMORPG front covered to the point where we all have one question to ask: Where’s the Marvel MMORPG?