REVIEW: Wonder Woman Animated DVD Movie

080707wonderwoman_posterI must have missed something pivotal in the DC incorporated office universe because it seems they are not only kicking ass, but tearing that ass open like a proctologist.

Their newest tool to spread those cheeks open goes under the guise of a mild-mannered cartoon for the kids, and only the kids, Wonder Woman.  Little did I know going into viewing this, that three people would be decapitated in the first 5 minutes (each cooler than the last, btw).  Needless to say, I recommend this movie; not only for adults but little kids as well.  If Pencilbot was still in robohigh-school and babysitting my 6 year old bro-ham-bot like back in the day, I’d thoroughly enjoy sitting back with a can of stolen beer and watching this with him.

This depiction of Wonder Woman works on many levels;

  1. Battle of the sexes… I love the battle of the sexes.  Especially when males AND females learn a valuable lesson in stereotypes.
  2. New angle at Ancient Greek mythos… I’m a geek for that shiz.
  3. Her costume makes sense.
  4. It’s funny… from little things like Steve Trevor waking up in a crowd of Amazonian women and saying “I haven’t had this dream since I was 13” to him trying to get Diana Prince wasted on tequila shots in a bar called the Rusty Nail.  Things younger kids wouldn’t pick up on in a negative fashion while making it worthwhile spending time in front of the tube with the kids; delivered flawlessly by Nathan Fillion and Keri Russell (Waitress)
  5. Busty and un-busty women beating ass… throwing demons through walls, roundhousing Gods in the face and as previously mentioned cutting off the heads of harbingers of death.  Not to worry though, women get their asses beat too; that’s what’s great about this movie, it’s an equal opportunity ass-kicking extravaganza.

Don’t bother renting it, just buy the damn thing.  It’s worth it.  The only thing wrong with this movie is that it leaves you with an insatiable desire to see more and wish it would go on for another 2-3 hours. Here’s a trailer to help convince the weary.