COUNTDOWN to: REVIEW – Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk

Busty She-Hulk flashes upon the sceneultimate-wolverine-vs-hulk-4-cover



And thus, thee countdown to Wolverine Origins continues. Yay. You as excited as I am? Thought so.

If you’re like me (chances are fairly good at present that you are), you’ve become quite nauseous at the sight and/or mentioning of the Ultimate Universe and events transpiring within it. Praying to any and all religious deities (God, Allah, Shiva, Mark Millar, etc.) to make it better soon, hoping the current midwives remember that it’s different than the 616 Universe, but to treat it with care… This is what at least I think when Ultimate [insert name of villain/hero/team], nowadays.

It’s almost like the X3 of comic book events and plot lines (aka, huge disappointment), so it makes sense when Clank! told me to check out Ultimate Wolvie vs Hulkiepie, to think it would be no different. To me, the title just screams that it was done purely for sales and not for any story purpose besides the nostalgia factor of Wolverines first appearance in Hulk #180 (again, 616 territory). So it’s safe to say I was pretty bias against it when I cracked the polymer bag open to the first issue. As I said in a previous post, I am not a fan of Wolverine; so, could you imagine my delight when I see Wolverine get ripped in half in the first couple of pages!?!? Yeah! It was like my first time going to an amusement park!!

The rest of the books aren’t that bad either! Besides some unmotivated strokes by Wolverine wanting to kill Hulk for fun and Hulk being waited on hands ‘n’ knees by unusually gorgeous Tibetan babes… I’d say it kept me interested, not only that, I’d say it was pretty good! And it had a great twist at the end of issue 4 that defines unexpected, and fellow bots, when I get caught off-guard by a movement in a comic, film or novel… it makes me remember what it’s all about. I don’t want to spoil it for you in case you haven’t read it yet, but lets just say it has to do with an illegal bootleg copy of a certain movie yet to hit theaters, selling Hulk serum to Chinese and Dr. Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk in the 616 Universe, and Bruce Banners cousin).

Pencilbot recommends you at least read the first 4 issues of this 6 part mini-series, the last 2 have yet to come out. You can trust me about this recommend, I usually don’t give these mini’s the time of day. Enjoy.