New Scott Pilgrim VBlog

Ok, for those of you like me who keep thinking, “Yeah, this Edgar Wright ‘Scott Pilgrim’ adaptation looks brilliant, but I’m still not sure Michael Cera can ditch ‘the awkward’ to pull off the cool-yet-clueless vibe” need to check out the newest video blog from the set of Scott Pilgrim.

Now, one may watch this and think, “So what?  It’s a bunch of idiots trying to use a Hula Hoop 1o years after they last tried…so what?”  But watch towards the end as Michael Cera is so proud of his utterly forgettable accomplishment and how the others (especially the actor who plays Stephen Stills) react to his “antics”.  It looks like Michael Cera is in character, and that character IS Scott Pilgrim.

Hopefully this movie is a lesson to us all, don’t start getting pissy about a movie until AFTER it’s out.  Who knows, maybe despite all of the ‘nets incessant bad mouthing, the director/producers/writers ACTUALLY know what they’re doing…I mean, not every filmmaker tries to fuck up a movie as bad as George Lucas or Uwe Boll does, right?  Let’s be POSITIVE, internet!

Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim!  Go Scott Pilgrim! Go Scott Pilgrim!

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