Lost touches down on Rock Band!

So Lost is over and we’re all wondering what can fill this void we have in our lives. Well if you happen to have Rock Band you can get more Lost goodness today! The folks in charge at the Rock Band Network have released two songs from the show on the X-Box Marketplace today. PS3 and Wii users will unfortunately have to wait a while as songs released on the RBN are exclusive to X-Box for 30 days before they can be released on other platforms.

First up is a song from Driveshaft. Y’know… Charlie Pace’s band! Well we can all sing and jam out to their hit #1 single, “You Are Everybody.”


And secondly you can bust out your Dharma jumpsuits to make you feel more at home when you play “Dharma Lady” by Geronimo Jackson. This fictional band was referenced througout the series and we finally got to hear a song by them in the 5th season opener called “Because you Left.”


I don’t know about you, but I’m kinda excited for these. Though I will have to wait for them to be released on the PS3, but it does give me something to look forward to!