REVIEW: Ugly Betty Season 4 DVD

I present you with a super kick-ass guest post from Ms. Manda Bull:

If, like me, you’ve stuck by Ms. Betty Suarez through the past four years, you were most likely heartbroken (a little piece of my soul actually died. Lit-er-al-ly.) when ABC announced the cancellation of Ugly Betty this January. This news came mid-season, leaving a lot of loose ends.

To bring you up to speed, season four finds a stylish and confident Betty (America Ferrera) transitioning into office life as the new associate features editor for Mode magazine (think Vogue, A Devil Wears Prada…, Teen Girl Squad goes to The Office?). In classic soap opera-style, her office and personal life are constantly entwined, for better and for worse.

The biggest (and most overdue) event of season four was the removal of Betty’s braces. Symbolic of her awkward past, (cast as a rock in a school play, never went to the prom, a math tutor, an honorary member of the local Historical Society, fashion outcast…) their removal brought Betty’s character to a new level and left all of the overdone “ugly” jokes behind.

Overall, I was very satisfied with the series’ end. If you were a fickle-fan or have never seen an episode in your life, you COULD get away with just watching season four. Many themes that originated in the beginning of the series were revisited and (mostly) resolved.

The DVD extras
Watching the behind-the-scenes footage from the Bahamas just made me really jealous. The cast of Ugly Betty didn’t have to work very hard to make it look like the funnest job in the world. The blooper real featured flubbed lines, silly sounds and some comical smooching. That’s pretty common, but it had me roaring with laughter and glee.

Still need convincing? Here are eight reasons why Ugly Betty was a GREAT television show and should be added to your Netflix queue:

Top Eight Reasons why I love Ugly Betty.
1. Attention graphic design nerds: the art direction on this show blows my mind! Consistently vibrant and eye-catching, from the costuming and sets, to promotional materials, press photos and DVD packaging. It’s like a pinata full of glittery jewels and mixed fruits, combining and contrasting high-fashion New York City with Betty’s Mexican heritage.

2. Mark & Amanda. This dynamic duo stuck out from the beginning and has some of the most memorable dialogue in TV history. They could have easily had their own spin-off.

3. A great soundtrack. I was often surprised and/or elated at the choices. From classic pop songs to up and coming indie jams, they always enhanced the emotion in just the right ways.

4. It was groundbreaking for the homosexual community by showing positive role models and supporting family members and discussing gay issues honestly and with heart.

5. Eye candy for both sexes. We are talking about a TV show that is set at a fashion magazine. It’s filled with fine looking men and hot, scantily clad women. It would be really hard to not develop a crush on SOMEONE.

6. Celebrity cameos: Lindsay Lohan, Ralph Macchico & Gene Simmons are among the amazing guest starts that appear throughout all four seasons. You’ll also find Vanessa Williams own brother playing the drag version of her character.

7. Plenty of sabotage, subterfuge, “accidental” killings and jailbreaks. Action-packed to even out all the “girly” stuff.

8. My personal favorite character is Henry Grubstick (Christopher Gorham). This quirky accountant and Betty’s first true love won my heart back all the way back in season one. An episode set at a medieval-themed restaurant should not be missed.

I am still carrying a torch for a rumored Ugly Betty movie.