Film Tech That Geeks Me Out: HDR Video (Canon 5D Mark II)

So- this group called Soviet Montage Productions has developed a way to do the process of combining an over exposed image with an under exposed image know as HDR, with video- using none other than two of the Canon 5D Mark II’s…

There’s an article over at Engaget that explains all that they can about the process, complete with test footage proving that the concept works, and if I do say so myself, works well

This is another technology… well- more of a use of technology… that can extremely further the work of an independent filmmaker. I mean, by the looks of it- if utilized properly, you could reduce the need for expensive filter, lighting, and tight scheduling to make sure you have enough light…

The biggest downside is you have to have 2 Canon 5D’s for this- which gets a little pricey seeing as how you’d need identical lenses on top of losing out on the camera coverage of a scene…

But, the implications of post filtering- and playing with the color correction- and not having to worry if its under lit- or over lit (saving hours and hours of time on set) make me giddy with anticipation! I want to learn how its done and try it myself… although, I can see the post production side of things extending by quite a bit at first, then as the process evolves, so will the process of overlapping the images and making a final picture- with a really unique look.

Also- keep an eye out for HDR rail mounts and camera rigs to start springing up if this bad boy catches on.

(combining a over exposed image with an under exposed image into one picture) into video