REVIEW: Secret Origin

This year is the 75th anniversary of DC comics. With it has come special books, variant covers, and toys. But what would an anniversary of this magnitude be without a documentary detailing the history of the longest running comics company around today. Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics is narrated by Ryan Reynolds and takes  a look at DC Comics from its creation in the late 1930’s up to today. Many creators are interviewed in this including Jim Lee, Neal Adams, Denny O’ Neil, Geoff Johns, Neil Gaiman, Gran Morrison, Walt and Louise Simonson, Dan Didio and many others.

The majority of the film and most in depth focus is around the creation of the Trinity (Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman) along with the start of the Silver Age. Past that it touches on other milestones like when Denny O’ Neil and Neal Adams did Green Arrow/Green Lantern and touched on real world problems, the Superman movie by Richard Donner, and the creation of Vertigo. Once you hit the late 80’s it really jumps forward and only touches on a couple of brief events like the Death of Superman and Kingdom Come. All in all I thought this was a really interesting DVD.

My only complaint is I wish it was a little longer so they could have touched on more of the stuff that happened in the 90’s and 00’s. But that is just a minor complaint. I would still recommend checking this out, especially if you are a big fan of DC comics like myself.

Here is a trailer for the movie: