REVIEW: Rigor Mortis #1

It’s not very often I read a zine and it leaves an impression on me. Usually there’s not enough in-depth discussion in horror based fanzine’s to simulate the parietal lobe into slight giddiness, so when issue #1 of Rigor Mortis made it to my review pile I let it sit for far to long.

In October of 2010 Baltimore’s City Paper ran a cover story featuring publisher Davida Gypsy Breier and mentioned how she used the zine to escape her then partner, and now husband’s diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Putting a personal story behind the reason for the project finally piqued my interest enough to read issue #1 and I couldn’t put it down.

The introduction to this 60 page black and white zine entitled ‘Yes, Virginia, there were Zombies before Romero’ gives a nice glimpse into the caliber of writing displayed throughout. The lengthy video reviews are stellar and insightful and held my attention, even after a few hundred words. More than just story outlines these reviews go deep into the subtext of a film genre usually thought to be for gore hounds only.

The core of the issue is composed of eight comprehensive book reviews and is followed up by a handful of graphic novel reviews and suggestions. The art by Bojan is beautiful and includes several stand alone pieces and an awesome three page comic highlighting the career of Tom Savini. Even the artists statement about the front cover is well written and thought out, explaining the inspiration for the front piece.

Sure, all of this could be posted on a blog a few people would read, but holding it in your hand makes it so much better, something zine creators and publishers have always understood.

Read selected excerpts of Rigor Mortis and purchase the issues at Leeking Inc