Detroit wants a RoboCop Statue, I’m In!

On Monday February 7th, a Detroit citizen tweeted at Detroit Mayor David Bing that if Philadelphia has a statue of Rocky then Detroit needs to get a statue of Robocop who could “kick Rocky’s butt”. The mayor politely responded that there were no plans to build a Robocop statue, but thank you for the suggestion. And from there the internet took over. In 8 days utilizing they have raised $50,769 towards their goal of $50,000. Detroit Company Imagination Station has offered up a piece of land in Michigan Park facing Michigan Central Station for the erection of the statue.

Community support of the project has been huge, Detroit citizen John Leonard started a facebook group simply called build a statue of Robocop in detroit. It currently has 6816 people attending, and i’m sure it’s numbers are growing.

The donations to the cause do not come without rewards. Simply donating $1 gets your name in the credits at, yeah folks bragging rights for $1. Donate $35 and receive a Detroit Robocop pin, the following scenario comes to mind:
Guy at bus stop: “Hey man, cool pin where’d you get it?”
you: I helped build the Robocop statue in detroit”
Guy: “No way”
You: “Pulls out smart phone, sure did here’s my name on the credits list.”
Guy: “Holy Damn that’s awesome!!!”
You two are now fast friends and open a chain of restaurants together, all from Robocop.

And finally, if you donate $50, you will get a Detroit Robocop T-Shirt to commemorate your support of their struggle to bring the hero to life via steel.

If Detroit gets a statue of Robocop this robot will begin idolizing the geeks of Detroit for helping push something incredible forward. There truly is no limit to the power of the internet, and geek love. Every geeky servo in me hopes to see this project completed. You can donate to the cause Here or if you hate clicking links visit

We will continue updating you with information on this and have contacted the group for opinion.