Chris Evans to star in Captain America: Super Soldier

Marvel released on their website today that Chris Evans, star of this summer’s Captain America film, will lend his likeness and voice to the video game tie-in to the film, which will be developed by Sega.  Or, more correctly, (I hate to be so cynical, but given the amount of time needed to develop a video game) Evans has already done the mo-cap, voice over, etc, work and they’re just putting out the press release today to  let people know that, yes, there will be a video game tie-in and Evans is in it.

Chris Evans as Captain America in Captain America: Super Soldier by Sega

The basics: It will be a third-person action adventure brawler. Cap will use his shield (and fists and feet, no doubt) to smash baddies (mostly HYDRA agents) as he battles through the Hydra castle during WWII. The game will have Red Skull, Baron Strucker, Madame Hydra, Iron Cross, and Arnim Zola.  Those are probably your bosses.

It will be released in 2011 (probably just prior to the movie release in July, although it has no confirmed release date yet) on PS3, Xbox 360, Wii and DS, so no matter which console you have you can play.

What we don’t know: storyline? Or is this just a bash and brawler and story doesn’t really matter? What other characters will we see (Sgt Fury and the Howling Commandos, for example? Bucky?). Also, it would be nice to see a gameplay video ASAP. You hear me, Marvel and Sega? Show us the money! We demand to see some game footage!

I only say this because given Marvel v Capcom 3’s release this week, we were seeing full matches and gameplay more than six months ago, and this game comes out in probably 4 months. Guild Wars 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic- the tentpole releases we expect this year have full gameplay videos. If you want to get us salivating to play a Captain America game, then you better give us something to drool over rather than just telling us Chris Evans did the mo-cap and voice work.

But that being said, what say you robots? Will we finally get a great Captain America game? I’m intrigued, at least, and can commit to at least a rental for this game.