X-Men: First Class – Teaser Posters

So- the facebook page for X-Men: First Class just released two of the new teaser posters for their film and I just have to say… they are just awful.

No really- they are BAD:

Someone had a deadline and forgot about it until 3 o’clock that morning, hopped onto their computer and clicked the “learn how to photoshop” button… these were the results… How many millions of dollars are being spent on this film? So far EVERY image, official or not, that has been released of the film has made it look like it was made in my backyard with Li’l Stevie’s allowance. His dad has Photoshop and Premiere too!

The only thing they can do to salvage this mess is; on April 1- put up some PROFESSIONALLY designed posters, none of this cheap LiveTrace crap- and announce that these original releases were all just a big “April Fools” joke.