Free Xbox 360?

Microsoft announced via their BLOG that they are going to be offering “Free” X-box 360’s with any new Windows 7 computer purchase of $699.00 dollars or more to college students. You can get this deal both online and in participating brick and mortar stores through out the USA. Apple has been offering deals for years directed at college students with things like free ipods. So this deal being offered by Microsoft is no great surprise in the context of trying to be competitive.

So if you are lucky enough to be able to go to college still – given the economy and cuts to education grants, AND you are luckier still to be able to buy a brand spanking new computer, let alone one that costs $699.00 – This may make sense for you! More over – if you are the kind of wunderkind that can maintain a full course load, all subsequent home work, and STILL find time to troll out kids on X-Box live when you are not using the sizable amount of PC power to raid with your WoW friends; Well Sir – This deal has your NAME on it! Just remember to eat in between those redbull fueled study sessions and all the time you will kill with all that gaming power at your finger tips.

Which begs the question; The X-box comes free with the computer, but at what cost to your grade point average? At least with that free ipod you don’t run the risk of being distracted to the point of never leaving your dorm room.

photo courtesy of the wonderful