MOVIE TRAILERS! The Adventures of Tintin – Full

Before I go into my thoughts- watch it- absorb it:

This trailer has put some of the doubts in my mind at ease… but… in their place, created new ones.  As far as story, character, and image quality, this trailer has got me more than excited for this film… (beside the fact that I see a little bit of story elements from Sahara, which isn’t necessarily bad- because it comes across as the kind of film that would do it right.) The character’s voices and design… spot on. Everyone comes across as they way they were in my head when reading the books. Especially Captain Haddock.

But, there is that small part of my brain that cannot get past the actual animation itself; the character’s movements are stiff – they have NO weight and thus the physics of the universe come across as unnatural, but not in a good “animated film” kind of way. The gravity on Earth comes across as neutrally buoyant and thus nothing seems to fall, settle and slide the way it should… This may work if the world and renderings weren’t done in a very photo-realistic manner, a complaint I have had about this style of film making since I can remember.

The music sounds original- and has that John Williams ‘heroic’ feel to it- but, who’s to say if that is from the actual film or not?

Anyway- besides the animation part of the animation… I am even more excited for this release, you can see Spielberg’s influence in the cinematography, lighting and acting and you can see Jackson’s influence over the imagination of the staging and design… a true dream team! (Now only if they would team up with Pixar, we’d have the perfect movie.)

What do you think?