CONTEST: Win a Halloween Costume!

Well Halloween is almost upon us. If you are like most nerds and geeks I know (myself included) – you are already putting some thought into WHAT you will be this Halloween. Maybe you’re just going to recycle that cosplay outfit from the last convention you went to. Or perhaps you are short on cash this year? Maybe you just don’t know yet? This annual conundrum is exactly why we here at Big Shiny Robot are teaming up with the amazing folks over at!

This is how it works;
Remember how awful store bought pre fab costumes were when we were kids? Remember how if you wanted a really spot on costume you usually had to have your Mom or Gran make it for you? Lets be honest with our selves – isn’t that why most of us go so all out now? Or is that just me? Well step up – and SHOW US just how bad you had it as a kid! Scan and email a childhood photo of some of the less than impressive get up you dawned as a wee little one for Halloween! – And the TWO we pity (and laugh at) the most will be rewarded with a choice of their pick of any costume up to $50.00 from!

Here is such an example from MY childhood;

This is my sister and I as She-Ra character. Actually I’M a She-Ra Character (Katra) and my sister is in a cheap knock off (its says Golden Girl on her chest – which is hilarious when you think that the show Golden Girls WAS actually on at this time – and I don’t think Betty White dressed much like that).

Email your pictured to Make HALLOWEEN COSTUME the subject line. Now just because we are giving away 2 prizes that doesn’t mean we will award them for 2 entries from the same person. If you send us two photo’s we will just consider the funnier of the two. We reserve the right to decide as to weather or not we will post the winning photo’s. So don’t send one if you are not willing to let the world see your childhood (such as I have above). The contest ends Monday September 12th, 2011.