The future of gaming!

If this is the future of gaming… I will sell my computer and console tonight!

I want to see the full episode now- to learn all I can about it and build one myself! BOOYAH!

This is a world first. A unique FPS simulator that turns gaming into reality as you move, aim, fire and get shot within a 360-degree immersive environment.

Using a pre-release copy of Battlefield 3 and a team of top technology experts from across Europe we’ve built a truly one of a kind simulator.

Centred on the world’s first, portable omni-directional treadmill (designed by Swedish company MSE Weibull) the simulator lets you control the movements of a Battlefield 3 character with your own body. Other key technology employed includes: 12 paintball markers that allow the player, in real time, to feel the enemy gunfire experienced in the game; a wireless gun system; ambient LED lighting; and an Xbox Kinect camera hack.

The full Gadget Show episode premieres in the UK on Monday 24th October 2011 at 8pm on Channel 5.