Little Nemo celebrated in today’s Google

Today many were treated to a new Google Doodle with a boy named Little Nemo as he journeyed through Google-Land. To many this may be the first time seeing the boy named Nemo, but for me this is just a blast from my past. Little Nemo was created by Winsor McCay 107 years ago when he was featured in the comic strip Little Nemo in Slumberland.

But there is a reason why I wanted to be the one to cover this one today. When I was 8 my parents got me a Nintendo, and in the years before the Super Nintendo came out I had a total of 8 games. One of those games was “Little Nemo the Dream Master.”

This game had Nemo jump into bed and adventure through eight very hard levels in his own dreams. He could feed candy to different animals that would then help lend him powers. He could ride on the back of a lizard or inhabit the body of a frog. This game helped shape my childhood and pushed me to search for more Nemo stuff. I’ve read much of the original comic and have watched the Japanese film.

Most recently while watching Cabin in the Woods with my friends I caught a glimpse of someone reading it and I got really excited. No one else in the room knew the reference so I told them about all the dream imagery inside. Nemo went on some fantastic journeys through dreamland and I invite you to check out google’s homepage today and look at some of the Nemo stuff they leave for you to check out.