Shaz-Bot’s Gut Reaction Reviews: 11/21!

I’m all full of turkey and regret, after the most hectic weekend of the year, it’s always good to just sit back with a comic in your hand, and this week had no shortage of titles on the shelves. We’ve got even more Marvel NOW debuts, some big happening for Spider-Men, both Amazing and Ultimate, and DC’s New 52 keeps trudging along. To that end, let’s take a sampling of what this week had to offer!

Captain America #1: I really liked this issue. You can jump into it without knowing anything about Captain America, and still have a great ride. Also, props for using Arnim Zola instead of the Red Skull, Zola has a much cooler visual anyway.

Iron Man #2: Hey! Tony got his groove goatee back! Also, there’s a lot of borderline pretentious Arthurian/Holy Grail stuff. Also, I have no idea who the last panel reveal is supposed to be. You kind of lost me on this issue, Marvel.

Indestructible Hulk #1: I think after this issue, people can stop with the old cliche that nothing new can be done with Hulk stories. That being said, I do prefer my Hulk to at least have some dialog, even if it’s just “Hulk Smash!” I’ll be keeping my eye on this book.

Justice League #14: Amazingly, this issue not only convinced me that this incarnation of Superman/Wonder Woman could work beyond a publicity stunt, but the Shazam story also bordered on well, not “good”, but also not mind numbingly awful. Sadly, that’s glowing praise from me.

Shadow #8: This is a Shadow I don’t mind plopping down four dollars a month for! Gripping action, mystery and pulp-y goodness. It helps that the Shadow is portrayed as a total badass. I seriously doubt anyone used the phrase “my bad” in 1937, though, just saying.

Spider #6: The art and layouts in this book are simply amazing. I’d go as far to say they’re near Batwoman levels of composition. That being said, this story while good, is to be continued on an odd note. In fact, this books seems like it’d read better in trade, but I like it so much I can’t wait for that!

Amazing Spider-Man #698: I won’t spoil the spoiler even though it’s been out nearly a week. I will say that the idea that has legs even though even the movie the trope is based on is as tired as Rip Van Winkle on a Melatonin overdose. I hope it has actual ramifications though.

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #17:  Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can. Too bad doesn’t seem to include trekking across the wilds of Wyoming with no food or water. Also, is Miles’ dad going to work for Hydra? The plot thickens.

Star Trek #15: Hoooo-lee crap! This book never ceases to amaze me. Here I was thinking it was just going to be a laame episode adaptation of Mirror, Mirror.Instead, we get an entirely new story that uses that same concept, but through the lens of what occurs in the new movie-verse. Color me impressed! No spoilers, but if you liked the Trek movie, read this damn book.

Wonder Woman #14: Well what do you know? Jack Kirby’s New Gods do exist in some form in the new 52! Here I was thinking it was just Darkseid. Also, Wonder Womaan does stuff in this issue and the gods are a bunch of dicks. Good read.

Legion of Super-Heroes #14: I’ll be honest and say I don’t remember what was going on in this book in previous months. I don’t like when future books all have to have portents of doom in them. Even so, I like the bits with Element Lad and Chemical Kid. They play off of each other well.

Green Lantern: New Guardians #14: Kyle Rayner is my Green Lantern. It looks like they’re setting him up to be the savior of this whole Third Army nonsense. I am perfectly OK with this.

Blue Beetle #14: This series is finally getting to be as enjoyable as the pre-New 52 book did. It isn’t quite there yet, and the book’s getting cancelled, so it probably never will. It’s a shame really.

Batwoman #14: I’m not sure of the timeline of this issue, but I think if it runs concurrently with other bat-titles, the Joker is going to be awfully pissed that Medusa decided to turn Killer Croc into the mythical Hydra to destroy everything we know.

Captain Marvel #7: A fun issue with Captains Marvel of past and present. Thankfully, the cover is misleading, and the only blows being traded are verbal. Also, Carol is going to have to fight a giant monster made of waterlogged husks of airplanes from WWII. Have I mentioned how much I like this book?

 DC Universe Presents #14: Using bad movies as a way to make people mock the occult and therefore tarnish their mystical and potentially evil value is really interesting. Other stuff happens in this issue, including how freaky the new 52 Blue Devil suit is, but that plot point is what hooked me.

Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #4: This book didn’t fail to deliver on the Rocketeer vs. Dinosaur action! Also, even though things wrap up nicely, seeds are sown for a continuation of the story, so I hope that pans out. I’ve enjoyed the Rocketeer minis, but an ongoing would be aces.

Savage Dragon #183: I’m glad to see Dragon back on earth. I hope the book can kind of return to the family dynamic that I’ve always enjoyed about. We also find out who’s in the Overlord armor, if that’s something you wanted to know.

It Girl & The Atomics #4: This book isn’t bad, but it’s not great either. It lacks a lot of the charm Allred gives to the Atomics. Also, the little sibling rivalry chibi cutaways didn’t add anything to the story and were really jarring.

Nightwing #14: I picked this up for the promise of a fight between Nightwing and Lady Shiva. I wasn’t disappointed. This story also has a tenuous link with the ongoing Joker shenanigans if that’s to your liking.

Red Hood & The Outlaws #14: This is my guilty pleasure DC book. I know it’s not “good”, but some unexplained quality brings me back month after month. Also, Leatherface Joker still looks incredibly stupid.

Sword & Sorcery #2: I am really enjoying the world-building in Amethyst half of this book. The Beowulf stuff isn’t doing much for me though. I wonder how people who read the original Amethyst book in the 80’s feel about this one.

Supergirl #14: This is the first book that has even remotely care about what the deal with this H’el character is. I’m sorry to say that it’s probably not enough to keep me reading this book. Luckily, the way Kara is being characterized is interesting enough for me to stay on for a while.

Young Justice #22: I really enjoy how this book enhances the show it’s based on, with everything happening in it being totally canonical within the show. In this issue, we witness Blue Beetle’s first day on the team, Brainiac trying to shrink Metropolis, and an abduction on the moon! Since the show is on unfortunate hiatus, this is a good way to be tided over. A shame it’s ending soon.