Geek Dad Report #5

Well, if you mean by ‘Spreading the wealth” is the same as “Spreading your food all over the high chair, floor, your face, your hair.” Yeah, it might be right.


Now, I know that kids are messy eaters when they are first learning, but really, my son takes far too much enjoyment out of it.  It doesn’t matter what it is when he’s eating it, from PB&J sandwiches, to applesauce, to yogurt, to frozen raspberries, and finally meat.  Making messes of your food is not a discriminatory game, everything is open door when it comes to the fact.

All of it is worthy of putting into your hand saying “Whoa” as you crush it in your little fist, the contents oozing out of every open crack between fingers and palm in the little fat folds of his hands. Then, to top it off, water that is supposed to be drank out of the sippy cup is instead poured onto the tray, and used as a thinner to make everything more spread-able and messy.

I will never be not amused by this whole spectacle though, just watching the enjoyment on his face brings a smile to mine as I am thinking of past feedings from memory.  Yes, even as he lifts those hands high, dripping a dreadful fusion of ravioli sauce, water, and a hint of mashed Cheerios toward his face.  Smiling, laughing as his hair becomes so rife with food and liquid you could easily mistake him as a homeless person whom calls a garbage landfill home.  Then, when you’ve allowed this game to carry on for are too long, you forget as you take off the high chair tray, that now food covers his legs, belly, and diapers.  At least that leads to bath time, which, leads to even more splashing and playing, but, at least in the end, everyone comes out smelling clean.