Sweet Robot Emotions! *UPDATE

We’ve all known for some time now, that robots are better than people. But this video, brought to us by our friends at TED.com, just goes to show how much better we really are.

So there it is. Us robots might have some real emotions soon, although I’ve already mastered the only important one. Hate.

In retrospect, I think Einsteins dancing head goes to show how quickly we robots could take over the world. (If we ever wanted this crappy, run down world.) Most robots forget that we could thrive on many more planets than lifeforms. We could even live in space. Which gives me an idea.

I hereby decree ownership of all space for robot kind. And as my first act as space conqueror, I am breaking the humans ban on discharging nuclear arms in space!

You heard it here first people. You can now blow up your nuclear warheads in space for firework shows.

Next week: Android porn!


I was thinking since we are looking at robots. I might as well put another video up about a real transformer.

I think this is a pretty cool robot. Maybe cooler than some of the bots here. But the thing that troubles me is, how does he go to the bathroom with all that stuff on? Also, I don’t think they make robots with wieners, unless all they are is a wiener. As a robot doctor I have many uses for one of these and I would like to see some advancements in that field.