Final Fantasy XIII Robot Tic Tac Hullabaloo!


Square just released pictures of the actual box art for the North American version of Final Fantasy XIII
(Click the images to make them grow!)

PS3 Version

PS3 Version

Pre-order your copy on Amazon for PS3 here!

Xbox 360 Version

Xbox 360 Version

Pre-order your copy on Amazon for Xbox360 here!

Since no one seems to be reading this post, I thought I might as well go on a mini-tangent about why I am excited about this release.

The first reason is the most embarrassing, and therefore the best to get out of the way. Anyways, reason #1 because I am a hopeless Final Fantasy Fan boy. I think they’ve earned my trust, not all of the games have been master pieces, but most of them have been for one reason or another. (Even FF XI has some redeeming qualities.) (Although everything I’ve seen about FF XIV leads me to believe it will be an upgraded version of the same thing.)

The next “reason” if you can call it that, would be that I’m going in basically based only on my impressions from FF XII. Which was probably about my least favorite in the series. But the reasons I find it to be the worst hardly make it bad. Just flawed. And the flaws it has, aren’t even necessarily endemic to this game alone. Because my largest complaint was how lame the main boss was. But was Sepheroth even that tough of an enemy? I don’t remember dying on him. (But the dungeon was redeeming in comparison to XII as well.)

It did some things great, like playtime. You can spend over a hundred hours on it easily. I have a feeling that FFXIII will follow in the foot steps of XII in this way. Which is a little scary, because it never feels like I have a hundred free hours to play a video game.

The final reason I’m really excited to play FF XIII is simply because it looks amazing. I think it looks better than any video game I’ve ever played before. I just hope that the story is good, but it doesn’t take from the gameplay……Well I gotta go now…..tangent over.

This title is being released March 9th, 2010