The good people over at Den of Geek have given us access to the new Alice and Wonderland trailer… and let me tell you it has a WHOLE lot of new footage and story to give away than the ” target=”blank”>original teaser.
All I can say about this movie is that I am glad that Tim Burton decided to read the book… I mean… I had NO idea Alice in Wonderland was a tale of Alice becoming a Knight Errant and battling the legions of mordor *cough* I mean the Red Queen along side her most trusted general… the Mad… Hatter… in in an all out battle of courage, bravery, and… dragons…?
Stylistically- its Burton, so yes it looks very pretty… but… what? This is one time I can honestly say I hope the movie is better than the trailer is making it out to seem… Its also a case of a story that hasn’t been told enough to be re-inventing just yet… but, who am I to say Tim Burton doesn’t have the power to make Lewis Carroll ‘better’?