Lost: Episode 605 “Review”

Proletaria-tron: So this episode was pretty interesting actually. I love me some Hurley and if this season is missing anything its Hurley and Desmond. Those 2 characters have probably kept me watching more than anyone else. And this episode was just like Hurley said, him and Jack wandering through the jungle heading on a mission they don’t really understand. We also finally saw some more of Claire and what she’s become. Which is basically a new Rousseau, and at least as crazy as that French nutcase. Jin and Claire have a nice little time as Jin tries to figure out what the hell her deal is and we see that not only has she gone nuts but shes being influenced by the “Locke-Smoke-Monster” and that’s not going to be good for anyone.

So does any of this actually answer questions and advance the story? Kind of. We see whats happened to Claire in the past few years, and that may be giving us a clue as to whats going to happen to Sayyid. Jack and Hurley find a magic lighthouse that let Jacob spy on people somehow, which instantly gives me a lot of questions (like who is at 108 degrees) and before they can answer anyway Jack loses his shit and shatters mirrors. Thanks Jack, super mature of you.

So yeah I didn’t hate this episode but nothing jumped out at me. Oh and the alternate timeline? Meh. Jacks a shitty dad and his kid has issues. Like every male character on Lost, all the best cowboys have daddy issues. I will say 2 positives about the Alternate Story, Hurley finally gets the life he deserves and Jack still drives his super clean Bronco. I approve.

Arse-bot: Many of you may disagree with me out there, but I thought this was the best episode of LOST so far this season. As Proletaria mentioned, we got the opportunity to see “Old School” Hurley and Jack wandering through the mysterious island on a mission they know nothing about. We even got to see their old cave-home with the two mysterious dead bodies and Dr. Shephard’s busted up coffin – which we find out later that Jack has a tendency to smash things when frustrated. I really enjoyed the interaction between Hurley and Jack in this episode and it was nice to see the series get back to it’s roots. Just like with anything LOST thought, it created more questions than answers, I want to know what the purpose of that lighthouse was and who is at 108 degrees – will we ever find out? Or was it just a vehicle to give Jack a “nudge” in the right direction of coming to the realization of this very important thing he has to do.

The Claire/Jin story was good as well – but the weaker point in this episode. Jin is trapped in a situation alone – something he’s not used to. He’s the guy now in this predicament and we find him just as capable of lying and scheming to stay alive as much as Sawyer, Sayyid and Jack. Claire has obviously gone off the deep end with her creepy skull baby, still trying to find her son, and being BFF to “Locke”. I’m very interested to see where this story line goes in the coming weeks and if Jin and Sun are ever going to find their way back to each other – I have the feeling that if anyone gets a happy ending in LOST it’s going to be Jin and Sun.

This is where I am going to completely disagree with Proletaria-Tron. For the first time all season, I actually cared about the alternate time line. Sure, we have seen enough “mopey Jack” over the years to do us for a life time, but what I liked about this is he was emotional for a more legitimate and basic reason. He’s detached from his son, David – whom he gets to see once a month – and realizes there are parallels between his and his father’s relationship and his and David’s. I have not been the biggest fan of the alternate time line this season, and having one good instance of it hasn’t 100% won me over, but for the first time this season I actually cared about what was going on in both time lines. I’m sure we will eventually find out who David’s mother is, but again, no answers without more questions.

This whole episode just “worked” for me and as usual, can’t wait for next week!

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