
Todd McFarlane’s Manga Spawn
Ultra Action Figure Series 9
Scale: 7in. W/A 7in. Sword

“Pull off head and create Cyber-Sect and reveal hidden head.”

Why the fuck would a robot come equipped with insect wings?! Also, why would you throw in a sword the same size as the figure? It doesn’t make this blocky bullshit any better!

There isn’t much to discuss on the accessory side of things with Manga Spawn. You have a two-colored sword (silver/black) to help defeat enemies of “the temple of darkness” (GAY!!! (Even for 1997)). The head that sits cocked on top of the armor attaches to the insect wings on the back, creating a mechanical fly-like insect? (GAYER!!! (Even for 1997…))

The body structure is very blocky, see: rhinoceros. I’d imagine it would be hard to pose being so top heavy and the natural flow of the figure is hunched over. Actually, at a quick glance, it looks as if the figure is being fucked from behind (…You’ve got it by now.).

Although some may guess I’d have a gripe or two about the color I thought it didn’t look bad. The flat-black and red give Spawn some character. It may not be your typical shiny-plated steel, but it works for my taste.


This dumb piece of bullshit reminds me of when I was a kid trying to get the most bang for my buck. Also, wanting a figure I could smack into other kids toys, completely obliterating their gay-ass Spider-Man with this red boulder of a Spawn.

I feel this has enough child-like wants in an action figure. Articulation, transforming, and huge accessories on and off the figure. This makes it a go-get it for younger collectors of those looking for a decent series from the late 90’s. A little conflicted but overall, it’s fuckin dumb!

If you want to check out Manga Spawn for yourself, it’s available over at