Deadpool Script review demolishes the fourth wall

Do you love Deadpool?  Did you both love and hate what happened to the Wade Wilson character in Wolverine?  Well, it sounds like Deadpool feels the same way.  From cinema blend, who got a sneak peek at the script:

There’s a problem in turning Deadpool into a movie, it’s a problem caused by X-Men Origins: Wolverine where the character was first introduced, abused, ruined, and then killed. This script eliminates that problem brilliantly by, well, mocking it. The script never comes right out and mentions Wolverine, it’s all accomplished through one specific subtle reference, which says everything that needs to be said. It’s as though the character of Deadpool exists in a world where Wolverine is a movie that he’s seen, and hates. Deadpool literally throws everything Wolverine did to screw up this character in the trash can, and then spends the rest of the movie endlessly poking fun at the celebrity of Hugh Jackman.

Well, now that sounds promising.

The great thing about Deadpool, or one of my favorite Marvel Comics of the last decade, X-Statix, was how subversive they were. If this script taps into that, then we may be in for one hell of a movie, people.

The entire script review is worthy of reading, but here’s a couple more tidbits:

there’s a huge role in this movie for Colossus, one of the most famous X-Men who has never really gotten a proper treatment on screen in any of the X-Men movies. Colossus had a cameo of sorts in X-Men 3, but here he gets a personality and plenty of fight scenes, at times serving as the straight man to Deadpool’s morally ambiguous hijinks. It’s a genius pairing; an indestructible superhero odd couple who work so well on the page that you’ll hope that the sequel will find a way to put them together permanently.

Citizen-bot’s nerd note:  First, we got to see some of Colossus in X-men 2 as well, and, in my opinion, it was the better showing of him as, well, we got to see some character moments with him.

Second, the obvious choice here would be to go to Cable, as imho Cable and Deadpool is still the best Deadpool book ever done.  However, I like the move to Colossus– he was always one of my favorite X-men ever, and is a step up from…. well, almost any other pairing for Deadpool you could think of short of Hit Monkey or other members of the Deadpool Corps.  But there’s always time for a sequel, right?

With X-Men Origins: Wolverine out of the equation, the script approached everything as if you’ve never seen Deadpool before. That means including an origin story, but origin stories are boring and Deadpool doesn’t have time to be boring. So rather than dragging us through an endless opening sequence in which Deadpool is introduced, the entire movie takes place at the peak of Deadpool’s career and his origin is told in flashbacks, interspersed throughout the movie between breaks in the action. The script’s not really linear, not exactly, and that works perfectly for a movie with the comedic sensibilities of Family Guy and the kind of brutal violence that only works when it’s not thrown at you all at once. The result is a fairly well defined rhythm of insane, violence punctuated by weirdly hilarious flashbacks, which may not seem like they’re moving the story forward but eventually do. Stopping to watch the last time Deadpool ate carbs may not seem like an important part of this tale, but in the end it all comes together.

Wow.  Just wow.

If you want more, please go read.  There’s lots to be had.

But what think you?  Deadpool? Or no-pool?  Is this a comic that deserves a movie? Will it ever get made?