In Stores This Week: Video Games / VGQH

Not a whole lot of action going this week, but at least there’s something.

Rock Band Country Track Pack 2
Kevin VanDam’s Big Bass Challenge

Junior Brain Trainer 2

Since I’m not even sure why I bothered posting it this week I’ll include a small Video Game Quick Hits so there’s actually something to read. Three reasons for this: One, are there enough people still playing Rock Band to warrant releasing these supplements; two, I don’t actually know if that fishing game is coming out tomorrow or not (GameStop says 2/1/11, Amazon says 3/29/11); and three, there aren’t enough quick hits for a full article either. How I hate the post-Christmas games drought…

In very sad news, LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars has been pushed from February 15th to March 22nd. While it might be good if they just need some extra polish, games that are delayed multiple times usually tend to not be very good. If they’re still suffering glitches this late in the game I wouldn’t expect them to be completely ironed with an extra five weeks. On the other hand, Traveller’s Tales isn’t really known for poor quality.

The folks at Namco-Bandai have made it known that a sequel to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is at least a possibility, if not already in the works. Basically the game didn’t do well financially, but did get critical praise and has many loyal fans. This has the company hopeful that continuation of the post-apocalyptic adventure game is a good move.

Oddworld: Abe’s Odyssee, much like Stranger’s Wrath, is getting an HD remake on PSN. It will be a 2D sidescroller in a 3D engine. The Oddworld series is an odd thing in itself. Not everyone knows about it, but it’s following is huge and the fans are drooling for the possibility. The idea that strong success for the remakes could mean a true sequel after all these years is almost too much to hope.