Super 8 Teaser found in Portal 2

In one of the coolest crossovers we’ve seen in a while, the game Portal 2 which is being released today, has an interactive teaser trailer for the upcoming J.J. Abrams movie Super 8 set to be release on June 10th. The teaser isn’t very much, but it’s still pretty cool that you get to play around inside the teaser instead of the game just having a preview for the movie inside the extras section. To access it in the game type “map e1912” in your console at the main menu and press enter. Or if you haven’t gotten the game yet you can watch a clip of someone else doing it that just hit the internet.


This is incredibly cool and possibly something that could happen in future games as well. Have you played Portal 2 yet? How do you like it? Are you excited for Super 8?