REVIEW: The Walking Dead 3.14 – “Prey”

Welcome back to Walking Dead! I apologize for missing last week: I was a little preoccupied with SXSW, which has now subsided. This week we get back to Andrea and her moral conundrum. After promising Carol a few episodes ago to murder The Governor and then chickening out, well… she’s gonna “r-u-n-n-o-f-t” as the Coen Brothers put it.

Of course, The Governor (who is now dressed all in black, and sans mullet looks more like his comic book counterpart than ever) can’t let her go, and so pursues her as she attempts to escape to the the prison to warn Rick and Co.

In the B-storyline, Tyreese and his group try to earn their keep in Woodbury, making some waves in the process.

What’s Good:

Some backstory with Michonne and Andrea right up top. “Girls night”
A LOT of character development with Tyreese, which is something I’ve been waiting… two, almost three years for?
Someone goes all bananas foster on the zombies in the pits rather than let them be used as weapons against the prison.  Ummm… how awesome are still-undead barbecued walkers? I’d have called it zombie kill of the week, but I don’t think they actually died.
Did Milton finally grow a pair?
And we see The Governor both kick some major zombie ass and show some major sadism. Yeah, building a torture chamber, hide and seek in the dark… Shivers in the final reveal.

What’s Bad:

The entire episode we spend almost no time with the group in the prison. We see Rick for about 30 seconds, and that’s it.

The Ugly:

Todd Macfarlane on The Talking Dead. Ugh. Can Eliza Dushku just do it every week?

Zombie Kill of the Week:

Gotta give it to The Governor this week, either with shovel through the face several times, or hanging meathook.

Honorable mention to Tyreese making his first headshot this week. Yay Tyreese!

This was a good episode. Not as amazing as some we’ve seen, but moves the story along and gives some good character moments. 3 stars.