FIVE & THREE: My Favorite Things In Comics This Week

This week’s 5 and 3 features some strong work from DC Comics. To start us off though, we go with the cover to Hellboy Midnight Circus. Mike Mignola produces a cover with a light but spooky feeling to it. The book will be great, no matter what’s inside, thanks to the apprehensive feeling you get right from the beginning. Considering the story is by Mignola too, being great inside is a forgone conclusion.


Fatale 18 brings the last few issues story to a head. The red glitter on the Femme Fatale’s dress glistens like blood. If you follow her, it’s practically guaranteed there will be blood.


The cover to Trillium 4, by Jeff Lemire, is spectacular. It’s also the first of 3 covers from DC but the only one from Vertigo. Vertigo has been the discussion of many internet boards. They’ve said that Image and its independent “creator owned” work means the end of Vertigo’s great years. Vertigo’s works disagree. Trillium is a book that gets me to agree with Vertigo. Their best years are still ahead.


I’ve still not cracked The Movement but I love the covers. The lines by Rafael Albuquerque are succinct and the colors by Dave McCaig remind me of old newsprint.


Batman Black and White has been outstanding. It’s no wonder with the caliber of talent on the book. Olly Moss creates a perfect mood while hiding bats everywhere in this cover to issue 3.


The three panels I’ve chosen for this week are funny, show the power of a character, and are my reminder to you to reach out to the digital world if you can.

Batman Black and White #3 comes back for a repeat with some Lee Bermejo. His art is out of this world. In this scene though, he shows The Batman with such subtlety that it’s clear he is a master of the Comics craft. It’s the fear on the faces of the drug makers that they know they’re done for.


Real West #1 was a cover featured in my first 5 and 3 article. Real West #2 changes gears in the storyline department in brings us a light hearted comic with some humor that feels like it was ripped out of a Saturday morning newspaper. This one liner here made me laugh, if you don’t get it, go pick up Real West #2 from Comixology for just .99 cents! Monkeybrain publishes great work at a great price.


Quantum and Woody is probably the funniest comic being produced right now. Woody is a doofus but he gets me rolling. I think this series will be the first Valiant one I have to pickup in trade after getting digitally. I want these issues to share with friends because it is just that good.


That’s all for this week! Come back next week, but in the meantime, send me any shout outs on Twitter @MarkAvo.