Tom Cruise in At the Moutains of Madness? is reporting that Tom Cruise is confirmed as the lead in Guillermo Del Toro’s adaptation of the beloved H.P. Lovecraft epic “At the Mountains of Madness”. ATMOM (as the story is often abbreviated to) has been a long time passion project for the acclaimed director of the Hellboy films and Oscar winner for 2006’s Pan’s Labyrinth . Del Toro had ATMOM on a short list of dream projects that were to follow his directing of the Hobbit (including a Frankenstein film, and an adaptation of Dan Simmon’s “Drood”, among others) . When his involvement with the Hobbit and LOTR franchise ended last year due to a protracted production schedule ATMOM came to the front of the list. James Cameron came on shortly there after as an executive producer. Rumors about Cruise’s possible involvement and questions surrounding a leaked early rendition of a script have been circulating for a while. Another mentioned talent for the lead role was James Mcavoy. Del Toro and company have been very reluctant to speak on the casting and other such rumors, but exuberant about the project itself, and what technology (Cameron’s 3D process) and creative output (Del Toro’s VAST imagination) they look forward to bringing to the feature. What the extensive fan base of both Del Toro’s films and Lovecrafts writing have to say about the controversial star’s casting is remained to be seen.

What say you readers? Is this casting inspired? Madness? or signs of just a Hollywood blockbuster?