Punisher Movie Website Online


The website for The Punisher Redux is now active.

This is another situation where Marvel decided that their last film wasn’t “good enough” and decided to reboot two years later. Which kind of sucks because the movie wasn’t terrible and Thomas Jane kicked a lot of ass. Yeah, so what if it wasn’t that good. It was everything a Punisher movie needed to be and it had some kickass action.

Was it bad enough to flush down the toilet? No, they could have done a sequel and just done better than the last one. They could’ve taken the good bits and moved on.

Instead, they have this new guy no one has ever heard of standing in for Frank Castle. And did any of you guys hear why Thomas Jane isn’t back? It’s because he’s been doing the Con circuit for a while and has read a helluva lot more Punisher than I have and said that if the movie wasn’t like the good comic books and what the fans wanted, then he was out. They gave him a script and he promptly quit.

So, we’ll just have to wait and see.