Nathan Fillion as Ant-Man?


We know that Edgar Wright has been in talks for ages on an Ant-Man project, and we know that there has been more speculation of it recently.

To date, no one has really mentioned a cast, though knowing Edgar Wright’s relationship, I think we all sort of settled into the idea that Simon Pegg could play him and we’d all be happy with that.  But Marvelous News and Bleeding Cool are reporting from inside sources that sci-fi bad-ass Nathan Fillion has clenched the part and there should be an announcement soon, probably at Comic-Con.

“Nathan Fillion is pretty much locked to be Henry Pym, and should be announced before any other new additions to the cast (think around Comic Con)”

This little gem was buried in a larger article about a fellow named Kevin Pennington that I’ve never heard of.  Apparently, he’s inked a three picture deal with Marvel Studios to play some character of some sort that doesn’t involve covering his face with a mask.  That pretty much leaves out any major character, since Marvel’s modus operandi has been to ink their stars to 9 picture deals and most of the characters wear masks.


That’s the word on the street.  I have no inside info on this (though I’m doing some checking and waiting for reports to come back), so I thought I’d report what was out there and let you guys talk about it.