‘Bring Out Yer Dead’ Needs You

“Bring Out Yer Dead” is a new board game from Ginger Ale Games and I’m here to tell you it’s a game you want and need. 

It’s no secret that I play a lot of board games and the first time Max Holliday asked me if I wanted to see the new game he was working on, I jumped at the chance. He laid out before me “Bring Out Yer Dead” and the rest was history. It’s a fun game with equal amounts of luck and strategy. Set in some manner of faux-Victorian England, it’s your job to ensure that your loved ones make it to the grave-diggers cart and in the best graves in the cemetery.

Yes, the subject matter is a bit morbid, but it works so well for the play mechanics that it puts a smile on my face. 

I’ve played the game many times since then and believe firmly in its replayability and I can’t wait to play it again. The game uses cards played simultaneously to determine the order of action, and then you get to place the bodies of your loved ones on the grave diggers cart in order. Any bodies that don’t fit get sent down the river.

The art for the board is beautifully rendered and could have easily been cluttered but maintained an elegant simplicity, especially considering how many graves there are on it.

Max is a guy I’ve gotten to know over the years for his work on the games of other people. And he himself designed “Eaten by Zombies,” a great card game from Mayday Games.

“Bring Out Yer Dead” is a great game to play in a group and I can’t wait to add it to my collection for game nights. But it’s not going to find its way onto my shelf if you don’t snag a copy, too.

They’re kickstarting the game and need $35k to get going and they’re almost halfway there already. Buy a copy. You won’t regret it. If and when this game gets made, it’s one that’s going to make a lot of best-of lists and people are going to be talking about it, so jump on the grave-diggers cart now, else you’ll be up the river.