GEEK TATTOO: The Paleman

One of the most popular articles we’ve ever printed here on Big Shiny Robot! was this article about a Spider-Man Tattoo. We’ve talked for a long time about starting up a semi-regular column of geek tattoos. We’ve also debated long and hard about whose tattoo we would kick off the new article with.

The winner was quite easy when one of our Big Shiny Robot!s, known in real life as Shawners Bird, showed us the pictures of his Paleman tattoo. It was inked by a guy named OAK who operates out of the Painted Temple in Provo, Utah.

Obviously, we’re all big Guillermo Del Toro fans around here, but Shawners took his fandom to the next level. This is one of the best photo-realistic tattoo’s I’ve ever seen. Be sure to let him know how much you dig his tattoo in the comments below.



And if you’re going to pass the photos around on the internet, please try to include a link back here, so people know who’s tattoo it was and where they got it done.

If you want to see your body art featured here on Big Shiny Robot!, send pictures and info to bigshinyrobot (at) gmail (dot) com.